Friday, April 17, 2009

Grace Pointe mission to lease building

In response to our out-growing of the community room at Phase II, Grace Pointe MBM voted to rent a vacant church building which is located on the west end of Brownwood on U.S. Highway 84, just around the corner from the apartments. Seating capacity will be close to 80, I think. It's hard to gauge when it's empty.

Anyway, the landlord agreed to a one-year lease at $600/month, with provisions that are in the contract that work to the good of both parties (I did the paperwork). I have really good feelings about this landlord, am grateful for the property he is letting us use, and appreciate his courtesy.

I will present the final contract to Grace Pointe Sunday morning, and will advise Rocky Springs of the transaction Sunday evening, as I will personally appear at the business meeting to give a report. (This is all well and scriptural and according to God's Word. It is also decent and in order.) Monday, we'll sign and make the first rent payment.

We will move into the building June 1, which gives us a place for VBS, possible revival, and a place to host the Southwest Association. It also increases our visibility, making door-to-door efforts and media advertisements more effective. It also provides facilities for Sunday school and worship services, both for adults and children.

There is work that will need to be done to the building in the way of beautification, but we can handle that. Had we rented store front space, we'd have likely been building interior walls, paid three-times the amount of rent, and had to sign a 3-5 year deal. We have to do none of that now.

Grace Pointe's offerings from the field have been in the lower $400 range. We will be utilizing some of our existing monthly support to supplement the rent and utilities until offerings/attendance increase. I expect this to be a short time.

If you would like to support this project, please mail all support to Rocky Springs MBC, PO Box 1840, Jacksonville, TX 75766. Designate it for Mission: Brownwood. Thank you for your prayers and support. It is my goal to have Grace Pointe self-supporting within two years, it is my desire to do that much sooner!


Unknown said...

When I read stories like this, I think it is only then do I wish I had trillons of dollars...but what I cannot do for you in monetary measure I will try to do for you through prayer....I am excited for you and your church and with God in charge...well, it's a win win situation....I will be praying for you ....God Bless

Leland Acker said...

Thank you, Debby. God hasn't given us trillions of dollars because (a) we're not in the Federal Government, and (b) He wants us trusting Him, not the money. God will provide for our needs, I am sure of it!