Monday, February 16, 2009

It's Only This Much Dangerous

We had 11 in morning services and collected $245 in offerings. Our big family was out with illness and one member had to work.

Members of the mission are diligently looking for land and facilities, but we are taking a slow, deliberate approach to finding a permanent location.

After services yesterday, my family and I went to the Enchanted Rock State Park, located between Llano and Fredericksburg on Texas Highway 16. The Enchanted Rock is a massive granite dome that formed as magma flowed up into the earth's crust sometime after creation, and was later exposed after the flood waters receded and washed away the soil. It's a .6 mile hike from the base of the rock to the summit, and the view is breathtaking.

On the way back down, we lost the trail, and wound up following several smaller paths. One ended at a pile of boulders (the boulders had fallen from the dome over a span of several centuries). It was a 20-30 foot downward climb, so I refused to attempt the climb. So we backtracked and found a shorter climb down, 10-15 feet. I initially refused this one as well, but Jessica took a closer look, determined that all five of us could do this climb, and, holding her hands about shoulder length apart, proclaimed "It's only this much dangerous." Now, how do you argue with that logic! We climbed down and made it safely.

As we returned to the van, we were graced by the presence of a herd of deer. They evidently thought that we would feed them. Good times.

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