Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Missing this meeting

Well, the Annual Messenger Meeting of the Southwest Association of Missionary Baptist Churches takes place this week, and I'm not getting to go because it happens on a weekday, and I have to work.

Almost everything in our association happens on a weekday. The Missions Conference in February happens on a Tuesday, as do the pre-associational meetings for the ABA and MBA of Texas. The ABA meeting takes a week (I understand that) and the MBA of Texas meeting falls on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

I once asked, "Why don't we do more things on Saturdays to allow bi-vocational ministers to attend?" The answer I received was "Saturday events are hard on preachers."

Okay. I see that. I'm not above taking vacation time. I'll be at the MBA of Texas pre-associational meeting on Oct. 7, and will be at the state meeting in November. I look forward to fellowshipping with you all.

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