Mission: Brownwood VBS wins gold at Brownwood Housing Authority
Our Vacation Bible School efforts at the Brownwood Housing Authority yielded good fruit with one profession of faith at the VBS, and one at our home services for two professions of faith. The girl saved at the VBS wants to be baptized and join our mission in Brownwood.
We averaged 30 kids per week, with attendance peaking at 43 kids on Aug. 16. Special thanks go out to South Union MBC of Daingerfield, TX; East Side BC of Jacksonville, TX; Rocky Springs MBC of Jacksonville, TX; Veal Switch MBC of Hughes Springs, TX; Fostoria Oaks MBC of Cleveland, TX; Salmon MBC of Elkhart, TX; Concho Baptist Church of Coleman, TX; Rosevine Baptist Church of Bronson, TX; Muse MBC of Grapeland, TX; Memory Lane MBC of Palestine, TX; and Calvary Baptist Church of Silsbee, TX for their generous donations of decorations and literature, which saved the mission hundreds of dollars on teaching material.
We would also like to thank Bro. Ron and Sis. Betty Shaw of Midland, TX; Bro. Roy Ramon of San Angelo, TX; Sis. Victoria Williams of Brownwood, TX; Bro. John and Sis. Teresa Kight of Coleman, TX; Bro. Harold and Sis. Sylvia Acker of Jacksonville, TX; Bro. Jaime and Sis. Regina Hogan and family and Nick from Grapeland, TX; and Bro. Chuck and Sis. Sharon Johnston and Sis. Judy from Elkhart, TX; for volunteering to teach classes, cook lunch and set-up and clean-up the community center for VBS. This victory would not have been possible without your help.
Home Bible Study attendance grows
We averaged 9 in our Home Bible Studies on Sunday mornings, with an attendance high of 13 on Sunday, Aug. 24, and a low of 6 on Aug. 10. Our visitors are returning with strong prospects of joining.
Mission: Brownwood begins services at Market Place Apartments
We have been invited to hold Wednesday evening services every week and Sunday evening services every odd-numbered week at the Market Place Apartments in Brownwood. Look for more developments on this in the weeks to come.
58th Ave. MBC (Amarillo, TX) $104.91
Bethel MBC (Tatum, TX) $50
Quaker BC (Lubbock, TX) $100
Wyndrock MBC (Abilene, TX) $80
Rocky Springs MBC (Jacksonville, TX) $150
Sublett Rd. MBC (Arlington, TX) $100
East Side BC (Jacksonville, TX) $100
Denson Springs MBC (Grapeland, TX) $50
Crestview MBC (Arlington, TX) $100
Muse MBC (Grapeland, TX) $400
Nevill’s Chapel MBC (Mt. Pleasant, TX) $205.22
Hickory Grove MBC (Newport, AR) $87.47
White Rock MBC (Center, TX) $100
Memorial MBC (Rusk, TX) $200
John Nickle (Rusk, TX) $25.
Salary $700
Housing $720
VBS $937.56
Mission Needs $269.38
Market Place ministry $49.26
Fuel $137.02