Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lessons learned from John 21

In John 21, Peter got discouraged in Jerusalem and decided to return to his old profession of fishing. He took several of the other disciples with him. While fishing, several events took place, from which I have made some observations.

1. Jesus gives us the fish (verse 6). The disciples had not caught anything all night, but once they threw the net where Jesus told them, the caught more than they could really handle... which brings me to my next point....

2. Jesus directs us to where the fish are (verse 6). While we are out being fishers of men, we need to go where the Lord calls us. Sure, there may be better markets and bigger cities, but the Lord knows where the fish we can catch are. Therefore we need to follow His leading. If we operate outside the Lord's will, success will be limited and empty. Oh wait... that's my third point.

3. Efforts apart from Christ are fruitless (verse 3). They didn't catch anything.

4. What God gives us will suffice (verse 11). Notice that their net didn't break.

5. God provides for our needs (verse 13). Jesus fed them breakfast.

6. Our love for Christ is indicated by our obedience to Him. (verse 15-17). Jesus was asking Peter, "Do you love me, more than these?" I believe "these" refers to the fish. Jesus was asking Peter if he loved Him more than worldy and commercial success. If so, Peter would "feed His sheep."

7. Our commandment from Christ is to feed His sheep. We are also to go forth and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).

8. Christ wants us to follow Him (verse 19).

9. Following Christ means giving up our lives (verse 18), meaning we give up our personal dreams, ambitions, goals, etc. It may even mean dying for Him, which is what Christ was telling Peter he would do. You see, the Christian life is not about fulfilling our needs and dreams through Christ, rather we sacrifice that which means a lot to us to honor and glorify God.

10. Jesus doesn't want us preoccupied with others. (verse 22). Don't worry what others are doing, concern yourself with where you stand with God, and whether you are obeying His call in your life.

It's not ground breaking theology, I'll admit. However, I drew some encouragement through these verses during my recent Bible study time.

So, with these guidelines in place, let's go fishing!


Billy Howard said...

Jesus isn't interested in ground breaking theology. Keep it simple and real!

Leland Acker said...

This is true.