Friday, August 29, 2008

Final VBS Tomorrow

Tomorrow (8-30-08) will mark our final one-day VBS at the Brownwood Housing Authority. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. On one hand, all the preparation and working all day every Saturday has been taxing on my family and I. However, on the other hand, I'm going to miss working with these kids every single Saturday.

I do think we have made some friends here and have doors open for further ministry, but we'll have to conduct that ministry without the luxury of the community center. Not only will they not rent it to us every Sunday, but it is set to undergo remodeling as soon as we finish up tomorrow.

We had two professions of faith at VBS this summer. One was my son, the other was an apartment resident. She has decided to join our work in Brownwood, and I feel we will have the opportunity to minister to hers and other families we have been in contact with. This was the goal of the VBS... so at least that goal was accomplished.

We've had a lot of help with this VBS. Special thanks go out to the Shaw's from Midland, who helped us our first week. They went so far as to use video and powerpoint presentations. Then there was Bro. Roy Ramon from San Angelo, who led music the second week. Last week, we had Bro. Jaime and Sis. Regina Hogan, et. al. from Grapeland, John and Teresa Kight from Coleman, and tomorrow we are expecting Bro. Chuck Johnston, Sis. Sharon and Sis. Judy from Elkhart. Numerous churches have contributed supplies to our VBS, which has been a real big blessing. Cost of food for lunches, snacks and cost of arts and crafts supplies has been astronomical. Not having to pay for literature, as all of our literature was donated, has been a real blessing. A complete list of VBS donors will be released in my upcoming report.

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