Friday, August 1, 2008

It's in the Lord's hands

We have canvassed every door at the Sunset/Terrace complex of the Brownwood Housing Authority, put up a giant banner outside the community center, and had lots of one-on-one interaction with the local children.

We have been blessed with committments from volunteers, have plenty of material to get us through the first few weeks of VBS. Response in the community has been good, but that does not always result in good turnout. Never the less, we are doing VBS for God's glory, not our own. Whether we have 10 or 100 children, we will have VBS every Saturday, ministering to whatever children we have.

I'm hoping things go well. After talking with my pastor, Bro. Charles Swilling, we have decided to forego renting the building. Even though the rent is a good rate, we feel it would be best to take more time to build a core group before we make such a move. We have also decided to see how things go in the apartments this month to see if apartment ministries wouldn't be a better way to get started in Brownwood.

Speaking of apartments... my wife has landed a job as the recreation director of two apartment complexes in Brownwood. Look for more developments on this in the near future.

Things are going well at KSTA. I officially took over as station manager today and have already sold $2,250 worth of advertising.

I'm a little nervous right now. I have moved out here to Brownwood, accepted a ministry and a position and have not left myself a safety net. Basically, I have a slight fear of failure. This fear of failure motivates me to keep moving and trying.

Hey, if you myspace, check out my myspace page and send me a friends request. This is another tool I am using to network with people in the Brownwood area.

God bless,



Jonathan Melton said...

Are you on Facebook also?

Leland Acker said...

No, no Facebook for me. I have too many online profiles already.