Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Journey Through the Bible Will Continue... As Soon As I Learn to Walk

In studying Genesis for the "Journey through the Bible" YouTube series, I came across Genesis 5:22, 24, which talked about how Enoch walked with God. So, I did a word study on walking with God and learned that it means to walk with and commune with... so, Enoch walked and communed with God.

Have you ever taken on an exercise program where you and a friend would walk together? Along with the walking, you probably enjoyed some good conversations. That is what Enoch did with God. He communed with God. He talked to God. God talked to Him. In spending time with God, he grew close to the LORD, and became a spiritual giant in his day.

At this point in my study, I did some introspection. I discovered that I was not walking with God as I should. If I am going to preach a message to the world via YouTube, I ought to be practicing what I preach. So, I have been "Walking with God," meaning that I have been spending more time in prayer, and more time studying His Word (outside of my sermon preparations.)

Now don't misunderstand me. I have been a man of prayer, and a man of God's Word up until now, but I had not spent much time with the Lord lately. I've prayed for others. I've spent hours preparing sermons and lessons. But I have not spent much time praying for myself, nor had I spent much time just learning from God's Word for my own benefit. Think of me as the older brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. I was out in the field working, doing what my Father wanted, but I wasn't spending time with Him.

So, now that I am correcting this issue, I expect that a "Walking with God" vlog will appear on my YouTube page in the near future.

The awesome thing about the "Journey through the Bible" is that we grow and change as we study God's Word. For me, changes began happening at Chapter 5. How about you?

To catch up on the Journey, click here.

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