Monday, December 15, 2008

Spin-Off Churches, Chapter 1 Review

The author (Rodney Harrington) chronicles how church planting was on the back-burner of ministerial vocations up until approximately 20 years ago. So, Chapter One is titled, "Recovering a Practical Theology of Church Planting."

In this chapter, Harrington notes how theologians of centuries past focused on their theological passions, so there are no ancient texts outside of Acts that focus on the study of church planting... although he did refer back to the Nicene Creed and noted the word "apostolic church" could mean a church that is a sending church. I was uncomfortable with his referral to the Nicene Creed, but he does have to sell books to non-Baptists, afterall.

Harrington also noted that the church growth movement taught that the Great Commission was obeyed by building large, mega-churches. He also noted during that time, the number of churches and church members declined per capita when compared to the growing North American population. He went on to say that church planting is a way to obey the Great Commission.

My opinion on all this is that God sent us into the world to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20), to Baptize them and to teach them the doctrines Christ taught us. If we are obedient in that we are doing this all over the world, and in our pwn back yards, new churches will emerge.

The first six chapters of this book deal with church planting fundamentals and attitudes. This may get pretty interesting.

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