Thursday, December 18, 2008

Out of Sync

Yesterday was amazing. I booked nearly $13,000 in advertising for KSTA radio, aired my Red Steagall interview, which is one of the best celebrity interviews I have ever done, had 17 in services at the Market Place Apts, had wonderful services with a sermon that came out better than I had planned, and enjoyed some of the finest Chicken and Dumplings known to man.

Last night ended on a bad note, though, and I lost a lot of sleep on it. In fact, I didn't get to sleep until 2 a.m. I woke up at 4:30 a.m., got ready, and went into the station to host my radio show. I just can't shake the "incompetent" feeling that I have today. I feel weak. I feel like a loser.

Granted, the bad ending to last night and the lack of sleep are probably playing a role in this, but I think there is a deeper spiritual issue at work here. I've got some praying and meditating to do today.

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