Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pre-Associational meeting

The pre-associational meeting in Hillsboro was rather harmonious with brethren congenially asking questions and missionaries giving reports.

For those who would like to know that happened, here is the rundown.

Bro. Paul Clark, pastor of Walnut St. MBC of Hillsboro, gave a devotional, noting how Paul and Barnabas split, but meybe they were both right. Maybe both men had God's will in mind.

After that, the missionaries gave their reports and requests. Those proceedings went as follows:

Life Touch MBC in Irving is requesting support for Pastor Larry Chalker.
Bro. Chalker gave his report. Bro. Rusty Denny from Mt. Pleasant MBC in Dennison spoke to Bro. Chalker's report, noting that Bro. Chalker, like most pastors, is experiencing a lot of turnover in his congregation. Bro. Chalker agreed, saying that new people will be reached, but other members will leave.

Alto MBC in Alto is requesting support for Missionary Jose Estrada.
Bro. Charles Williams spoke for Bro. Estrada, who then gave his report. Bro. Estrada is working with the Hispanic people in Alto and Price. I don't think anyone asked him any questions.

Corinth MBC in Timpson is requesting support for Missionary Mario Gamez.
Bro. Tom LeBreton spoke, then Bro. Gamez gave his report. Bro. Gamez is in the process of turning over the work in Center to a local pastor, while he continues to work in Tatum at Bethel (where they are about to acquire a building in town) and is about to start a new work with Bro. Ray Williams at Unity MBC in Longview. No questions were asked.

Bethel MBC in Huntsville is requesting support for Missionary Marvin Gardner.
Bro. Donny Howard spoke for Bro. Gardner, who then gave his report. He was questioned by Bro. Michael Roberts as to why Vanderbilt was holding off on organizing until they could support a full-time pastor. Bro. Gardner said that he knew the day was coming when we "wouldn't be here no more" and wanted the church to be able to call a fulltime pastor. When asked why couldn't he organize and then request support like Bro. Chalker or Bro. Ricky Payne. Bro. Gardner said that he didn't want to do that.

Meadowbrook MBC near Wills Point is requesting support for Pastor Rickey Payne.
Bro. Payne reported that he has gotten a part time job, but the church needs support at Wills Point. He noted that offerings are steadily improving, he just needs one more year. Bro. Bobby Sparks asked Bro. Payne why he was up again this year after saying he wouldn't last year, then said that Meadowbrook should begin to pay their own way (It wasn't in those words, but that was the jist of the comment).

New Requests
Rocky Springs MBC in Dialville is requesting support for Missionary Leland Acker.
Bro. Swilling spoke for me, I gave my report, no one said anything.

First MBC in Mabank is requesting support for Pastor Robert Boone.
First MBC went through a split a while back (maybe a year or two? I don't know.) and Bro. Robert Boone was called to be their pastor afterward. He requested support so he could spend more time on the field. He was questioned by a brother whose name I do not know, and was told that the membership of churches should step out on faith and pay their own way.

Tyler Road MBC is requesting support for Missionary Ricky O’Neal – Berean Ministries
Bro. Ricky O'Neal gave his report, which was spoken to by Bro. Reed (not Bro. Marion Reed, but another Bro. Reed from Arkansas). Some of the brethren were complimentary of his work, but questions were raised as to whether this would fall under "state missions" seeing how his ministry extended beyond the borders of Texas.

Rocky Springs MBC in Dialville is requesting support for Jim Slocumb – TMD
Bro. Swilling spoke for Bro. Slocumb, who then gave his report. A few brethren spoke on his behalf, no one asked any questions and no issues were raised.

After the meeting with missionaries, Bro. Marlin Freeman from Heritage MBC in Center spoke, saying that there were two ministries and two TBI students requesting funds. He went out of his way to say that he was not disparaging them, but would rather see a new mission policy enacted that would allow for the current strategies in state mission work. Bro. Marion Reed said he will present a new mission policy to the messengers at the meeting in Henderson, which will be referred to the churches to be reviewed for one year. It will likely be voted in in Dennison in 2009. We thanked Walnut St. MBC and Bro. Clark for hosting us, and went to eat at the Black Eyed Pea.

1 comment:

abainfrance said...

Hey Leland, I watched the meeting over skype, you did a good job, hope they add you in November without problems.