Friday, July 11, 2008

Concern over Presidential politics...

I read an article on AOL today about Phil Grahmm's ignorant remarks to the Washington Times about America being whiners and the recession being in their heads. This may, or may not be the case (honestly, neither I, nor the city of Brownwood is feeling the recession except for gas prices), however, you don't say things like that and expect to win the Presidential election. The Republicans are in danger of losing this election because of their stupidity, and the effect on this country may be devastating... who knows, it could have ripple effects on the entire world.

Basically, the West Coast will likely vote for Obama, along with New England (except for New Hampshire, or Vermont, one of those tiny states, which is still considered a battleground state.)

The Western states will likely vote for McCain, with the exception of New Mexico and Nevada, more battleground states. The Great Lakes states are up for grabs, along with FLorida and Virginia. The rest of the south and midwest goes to McCain.

If those predictions stand, McCain trails Obama by approximately 21 electoral college votes.

If the Great Lakes go to Obama, the election is over. Great Lakes states such as Ohio have economies that depend largely on manufacturing (cars, textiles, steel, etc). Such industries are hurting right now and layoffs are coming. Telling these people it's all in your head is a surefire way to get them to vote for the other guy.

So, I'm a little concerned here. We do not have a slam-dunk victory ahead of us in 2008 like we did in 1984 and 1988. Even 2004 was closer than it should have been. To make things worse, we have a candidate who is not acting like he's too interested in campaigning. Where's the vision and encouragement?

On a brighter note, maybe Obama will win and be used to fulfill prophecies that will usher in the second coming.

I normally don't get political in this forum... but I just can't get this stuff out of my head tonight.


Big J said...

Concerning politics I want to roll this was brought up at camp. If Barack Hussein Obama wins the election...what are the odds that Israel will bomb Iran and bomb them big? I don't think Israel will tolerate an atomic iran, as well the world shouldn't. Someone mentioned that Israel will do it before a democrat takes office. What do you think?

Leland Acker said...

In all honesty, I think Israel will be more likely to take military action if a democrat is in the White House. When the dems are in power, militant islamic groups tend to be more aggressive, so Israel would have to take more defensive measures out of necessity.

Bear in mind, I don't have a degree in Middle East politics.