Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Building deal off

I got a call from the real estate agent who told me that Victory Life is backing out of the deal. We will not be able to lease the building, but are still welcome to purchase the building at $180,000. I feel that it is time to get back to the original vision the Lord laid on my heart concerning evangelism and discipleship. The December deadline is no longer in effect. I felt that God was leading me to take a shot at the building, but in the end the door closed. I can't explain it, but God is God and Mission: Brownwood will come together accoring to His will.

Thank you so much for your prayers, support and encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In one way I hate to hear that, in another way I know that is a load off your mind. God really will provide for your every need as He already is doing and you will personally see it and each thing will draw you closer to Him. Just know that a lot of people are praying for your success no matter what hymn books you use. That is not the where "church growth" is. It is in you being real with Jesus and sharing that with others and them sharing that reality with others. There is no time for moss to grow on your back if you are on a journey with God! In His Love...