Friday, March 14, 2008

With God, nothing is impossible

Have you ever plotted out the locations of the ABA churches on a map? Did you see Bro. Vernon McNully's display at the MBA of Texas meeting at Longview MBC in 2006? The vast majority of America is not served by an ABA church. Moreover, 87 percent of Americans are unchurched. On top of that, more people move to America and our population is steadily increasing.

We have lots of mission work to do, in America and worldwide. However, when you put the calculator to the task, it fails every time. Mission work is expensive and the task of reaching the cities and towns of this country seems insurmountable.

Just financing the Mission: Brownwood work is difficult. I have to keep my mind off of finances to keep from being discouraged. Fortunately, I only have to look long enough to draw a plan, and Jessica is willing to help me track finances. I am also blessed with a 1st-class missions treasurer. Can you imagine financing several mission works simultaneously? It's daunting.

Here's what I think. I think we are placing too much faith on the supposed "almighty dollar." The reason I say "supposed" is because the dollar's value has steadily been falling for as long as I can remember. Inflation is one thing, but people are more reluctant to save. People spend money as quickly as they get it. Want proof? In the fiscal year, the two biggest seasons are winter (Christmas season) and spring (Tax refund money). I actually have advertisers who spend their entire ad budgets during these two times. Anyway, I digress.

We should quit putting the calculator to the task and start trusting Christ more. Our faith in getting the world evangelized should be placed in God. In John 6, Philip told Jesus that they didn't have enough money to feed everyone, but Jesus still fed the multitudes. We should trust God as we move forward in mission work, but the key is to move forward.

My burden is for the American Southwest (West Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona and Utah.) My work begins in Brownwood, TX. What is your burden for? Where does your work begin?

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