Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mission: Brownwood kickoff

As of right now, Jessica and I are planning to open Mission:Brownwood with a Vacation Bible School. I plan on the VBS to be a week long VBS, which will take place sometime between Aug. 10 and Aug. 31. I want to schedule it later in August to allow Jessica and I to get settled in on the field, and to allow Rocky Springs to have their VBS (Aug. 9, one-day) first, thus allowing some of their workers to help us out, if they so choose. I want to hold the VBS before school starts.

It would be great to follow the VBS week with a launch service the following Sunday.

I need the following:

- Workers to teach classes, run the refreshments area, oversee recreation, and those who wish to be a general help. (In my years of directing VBS, I have noticed that there are those comfortable teaching classes. Others like to hang around and do whatever else needs to be done, like van transportation, witnessing, or making last-minute runs to Wal Mart.)

- Workers to help us canvas Brownwood's neighborhoods informing them of our VBS.

- If you live near Brownwood and wish to help us get our regular Sunday worship services started, I'm interested in talking to you.

- Financial help in purchasing VBS materials.

- Financial help in renting a facility to hold VBS, and possibly morning worship services.

- Information on possible meeting facilities in Brownwood.

If interested, please contact me at (903) 625-1005(cell, the best way), (903) 589-0563 (home, hardly there, so leave a message) or reply to this blog. I'm not posting my email address due to security reasons.

Suggestions are also welcome.

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