Monday, February 11, 2008


Is it me? Or is life getting more hectic.

Last Thursday, I worked until 5 p.m., arrived at the practice soccer field at 5:30 p.m., coached soccer until 6:30 p.m., sent Jessica to work at 8:30 p.m., I'm sure dinner was in there somewhere, put the kids to bed at 9 p.m., did some reading and devotional stuff, and went to bed.

Friday, I arrived at work at 9:15 a.m. (Hey, I set my hours as long as I meet deadline), worked until 10 p.m. (had to do play-by-play for a basketball game).

Saturday, I was back on the air at 7:30 a.m., and worked until 10 a.m. Spent lunch with my family and then went to the Faith Promise Missions Conference at Nevill's Chapel in Mt. Pleasant. I returned to Jacksonville at 11 p.m., where I joined my wife at her job. It took until 4 a.m. to get everything shut down at DQ. So, we went home and went to sleep, before rising again to go to church.

Today, my arrival time at work was 8:45 a.m., I worked until 9 p.m. (city council meeting). Tomorrow, I have to arrive early because there is a major story that I have to break.

Yes, My life is this hectic. Yes, I work in time to study the Bible. Yes, I am still going to Brownwood. My life has been this hectic since my second year at seminary. It's a little easier now, I don't have the responsibilities that a pastor has. The schedule almost broke me about a year ago.

However, I have had to learn to prioritize. I have had to learn to evaluate the importance of everything I do. I have had to learn to lean on Christ for strenght. I have also had to learn to thrive under the pressure that this life leads.

As I said earlier, tomorrow starts at 8:45... it will likely end after 10 p.m. (I have another basketball game). Is it worth it? It's helping finance my way to Brownwood. Am I stronger? You betcha. Do I hope to be this busy in Brownwood? Absolutely not. I'm hoping that this strain of my days here are like the strenuous days of two-a-days, leading into a good football season that seemed easy compared to off-season.

But, if Brownwood brings the same level of challenges, I'll learn to meet them knowing that God is preparing me for the next step.

1 comment:

Big J said...

What are your plans this sunday afternoon after Church at Mt. Herman? Cindy and I were wanting to take y'all out to Redneck's Fish and Ribs for lunch. I didn't know what plans you had already made but give me an e-mail
and let me know what you have in mind.