Saturday, November 10, 2007

Glorifying God

Romans 1:21- "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened."

This verse deals with a situation where people became face to face with the reality of God. Being faced with that truth, they chose not to glorify Him as God. They rejected His message. They rejected His salvation. They did not glorify Him.

How many stories have you heard of near-misses? Where someone's life flashed before their eyes. They might have even prayed, and gone to a couple of church services. A man once told me that he was out in the fishing boat with his family one night when Sputnik reentered the atmosphere. He thought it was Christ returning, so he made his family kneel down and pray. Sadly, that man is not serving God, and his family has fallen apart. He knew God, but didn't glorify Him as God.

Too often, once we realize the danger is gone, we are content to go back to business as usual and forget all about God. This all but seals your fate... as Romans 1:20 says..."they are without excuse."

When God confronts you, repent of your sins and trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior right then. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, never miss an opportunity to glorify God. Remember Who He is! Keep that front and center in your heart! And be thankful to Him for your salvation and what He is going to do in your life.

Too many of us are unthankful. I grow tired of hearing complaints from preachers whose churches only pay them $2,500 per month plus housing (parsonage), utilities and vehicle allowances. Try finding that type of compensation in your local community. You might find that the people you are trying to minister too are having to do more with less.

I pastored Denson Springs for $200/week. I work for a newspaper for $17,000/year. I have to provide my housing, utilities, food, tuition for my kids' school, etc. The church did all they could for me, and I am thankful for that. And, if I have to get a job when I go to Brownwood, I will praise God for it, knowing that He will use that situation for His honor and glory.

Brethren, Trust God! Praise God! And thank Him for where He has placed you. I need to remember to do this as well.


ruins said...

Hey Leland! Good post - believe it or not, I just recently learned that some pastors *actually* have such things as health insurance and 401k plans.

Leland Acker said...
