Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mission: Brownwood May 2010 Report

Grace Pointe attendance drops
as Satan attacks

Satan has launched an all out assault on Grace Pointe, resulting in lower attendance and tough times financially for the work.

He is attacking our younger families with discouragement and even led a man to try to lead a significant portion of our congregation into a local church of Christ.

Though these attacks came leading into the summer, which traditionally is a time of lower attendance, We are standing firm. We will hold VBS the last week of July, and a revival July 5-9.

Outreach efforts continue

We are approximately three weeks away from completing our door-to-door canvassing efforts in northwest Brownwood. Once this territory is completely canvasses, we’ll begin canvassing the Southside neighborhoods. Once the entire city has been canvassed, we’ll start all over.

Meanwhile outreach efforts at the Market Place and Wildwood Trails apartment complexes continue. These have yielded some fruit, as the bulk of our core group came out of Market Place apartments.

By The Numbers:

Sunday Morning:
5/2 - 11
5/9 - 15
5/16 - 22
5/23 - 16
5/30 - 9
Wednesday evening:
5/5 - 15
5/12- 15
5/19 - 15
5/26 – 15

Offerings: $1,003.16
Memorial MBC (Rusk) $50
Jim Slocumb $100
Northcrest (Andrews) $95.31
First Baptist Church (Arp, TX) $120

Leland Acker: $400
James Snyder (fill-in) $100
TMD: $31.12
MBA of Texas $31.12
ABA $31.12
Abel Dimatulac $31.12

Mission Fund
Heritage Baptist Church (Missouri City, TX) $200
White Rock MBC (Center, TX) $100
MBA of Texas $3,058
Hickory Grove MBC (Newport, AR) $78.85
Muse MBC (Grapeland, TX) $200
Ridgecrest MBC (Levelland, TX) $25
Hickory Grove MBC (Newport, AR) $17.14
Quaker Ave MBC (Lubbock, TX) $100
58th Ave. MBC (Amarillo, TX) $148.15
East Side MBC (Jacksonville, TX) $100
Wyndrock MBC (Abilene, TX) $40
Nevill’s Chapel MBC (Mt. Pleasant, TX) $224.46

Salary: $3,422
Housing: $950
Appliances for new home: $987
Outreach: $374.81
Travel Expenses: $255.68

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