Grace Pointe Adopts Constitution and By-Laws
Pursuant to God’s directions to do all things decently and in order, Grace Pointe adopted their constitution, by-laws and articles of faith on Dec. 6. This step has given Grace Pointe much needed structure as they move toward being self-supporting. The articles of faith match the ABA doctrinal statement, although Grace Pointe did add a provision that encourages the use of the KJV.
Mission: Brownwood Still Needs Support
While Grace Pointe continues to pay her own day-to-day expenses, support is still needed to fund outreach efforts like Vacation Bible School, summer revival, facility purchase, summer youth camp and other public outreach events we feel will help Grace Pointe get a leg up toward becoming self supporting. If you currently support our work, we greatly appreciate it and hope you’ll prayerfully continue that support. If you don’t support our work, we would be grateful for any consideration you may give us.
God has blessed the support that has come in and He has built Grace Pointe well. Our prayer is that the progress we have seen this year will continue.
New PO Box for Grace Pointe
We have a new mailing address for Grace Pointe. Please address all correspondence to me personally, or to Grace Pointe MBC, PO Box 1828, Brownwood, TX 76804.
VBS Dates Set
Grace Pointe’s Vacation Bible School will be held June 7-11, 2010. We are currently enlisting volunteers.
By The Numbers:
Sunday Morning
12/6 - 14
12/13 - 23
12/20 - 13
12/27 - 8
Wednesday Evening
12/2 - 12
12/9 - 7
12/16 - 11
12/23 - 11
12/30 - 6
Offerings: $1,727.66
Oakland MBC (Rusk, TX) $50
Oakland MBC (Rusk, TX) $50
Northcrest MBC (Andrews, TX) $74.74
Northcrest MBC (Andrews, TX) $68.90
Rent: $600
Rich Cone Air Conditioning (Heater repair) $82.50
Walmart (decorations) $111.43
TMD $82.69
MBA of Texas $82.69
Leland Acker $100
Brownwood Water $84.51
Kelso family (reimbursement for curtains) $60.27
TXU-Electricity $97.64
Banking $3
Mission: Brownwood Account
Missionary Bapt. Assn of TX $2,484
Rocky Springs MBC (Jacksonville, TX) $200
Muse MBC (Grapeland, TX) $200
White Rock MBC (Center, TX) $100
Quaker Ave MBC (Lubbock, TX) $100
Memory Lane MBC (Palestine, TX) $50
Heritage MBC (Missouri City, TX) $200
Muse MBC (Grapeland, TX) $200
58th Ave MBC (Amarillo, TX) $138.47
East Side MBC (Jacksonville, TX) $100
Hickory Grove MBC (Newport, AR) $64.45
Nevill’s Chapel MBC (Mt. Pleasant, TX) $151.64
Muse MBC (Grapeland, TX) $200
Wyndrock MBC (Abilene, TX) $140
Arp First Baptist Church (Arp, TX) $120
Salary $1,784
Housing $700
CPA Services $50
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