Friday, October 9, 2009

It's about Missions

When was the last time you heard someone say, "I can't wait until the state meeting. I really look forward to the CyberSpace report." Well, maybe the guy giving the report, but other than that, the state association meeting is popular for two reasons. (1) Fellowship and (2) Missions.

The fellowship is going to happen. Anytime 300 or so preachers get together, there will be fellowship.

Missions is the top-priority agenda item on the list. We open the meeting on Tuesday evening to a moderator's address, a message, and proposed changes to the mission policy or requests to set the policy aside. Then, the first item of business Wednesday morning (after the songs, music specials and devotional) is approving missionaries, and any subsequent policy change. Everything after that is all reporting and information sharing, from which we hope that the brethren are encouraged, enlightened, and motivated.

I bring this up for a reason. Over the past few years, there has been a movement toward rushing the missionary approval process. I understand the reasons. (1) If the association is ready to approve or reject a request, why belabor it with ongoing debate? (2) The quicker the missions part is over, the less likelihood for disharmony. (3) Many people leave after lunch.

I'm actually fine with this too. I just don't want to see a bad decision made, or a debate that gets ended before all sides are heard just for the sake of getting finished in time for lunch. We all deserve better than that type of situation.

All that being said, I think we have a good group of missionaries coming up for support this year. After we finish the missions business, we can enjoy some great reports. I'm actually looking forward to the CyberSpace report. With all the new things coming out and going mainstream, there's no telling what we might be able to discuss.

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