Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Mission Field - Las Cruces, NM

Situated due north of El Paso, TX, in south central New Mexico is Las Cruces, a city of 89,000 people with no Missionary Baptist Church that associates with the American Baptist Association.

Las Cruces is home to New Mexico State University (enrollment 14,000), has rich culture and heritage, and features the Whole Enchilada Festival (celebrating the world's largest enchilada), which is attended by 50,000 people annually.

Fifty-one percent of the population of Las Cruces is Hispanic. This would be another great field for a bilingual missionary.

I see Las Cruces as a potential gateway to starting missions in other southern New Mexico cities, like Alamogordo and Silver City.

Funding for a mission-work in Las Cruces is also available through the ABA Interstate Mission Fund. If the missionary has a sponsoring church, and can raise up to $600-$700 in monthly support, that missionary can qualify for full salary from the ABA. Currently, there is no state salary for New Mexico, to my knowledge. However, I think there are some New Mexico churches working to establish a state association there. If you have any information on that, please tell me.

Other associations that encompass New Mexico are the Four Corners Assoc., and the Southwest Assoc. of Missionary Baptist Churches.

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