Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Drive-bys Zero in on Target

Let's be honest, since the release of The Passion of the Christ Mel Gibson has been mostly irrelevant on the Hollywood scene. Think about it, when was the last time you heard a commercial that said, "Presenting Mel Gibson, in the movie event of the summer!" It's been a while. In terms of his acting career, Gibson's best days are behind him. That's not a slam against him, I like his movies and think he's a great actor, it's just that Hollywood doesn't think he'll sell movie tickets anymore.

So, why is the divorce of a "Hollywood has-been" dominating the news? Or better yet, why do his mugshot photos from his DUI arrest years ago still dominate the Google images searches? I'll tell you why.

Once you step out for God, once you publicly declare the Gospel, once you do anything that confronts the sinfulness of this world (which is abundantly enjoyed in Hollywood), you have a big target on your back. Stumble, and the media will pile on.

Let's compare Mel to other Hollywood stars who have DUI or similar arrests, or drinking problems. The media snickered about Paris Hilton's jail time, but then welcomed her back with open arms via Larry King when she got out. The media publicizes Lindsay Lohan's debauchery, but is rooting for her comeback on the silver screen. Then there's Britney. What more can I say? After hitting rock bottom, she was instantly elevated back to superstar status with the release of "Womanizer."

The media approach to Mel? "He's gonna get it." "His wife is going to clean him out." "She's getting his wallet." They present a pathetic Mel who is going to lose everything. There's no fanfare from the Hollywood media, nor is there any desire to see him make another blockbuster. Why? Because the Passion proclaims the Gospel so clearly that it convicts the Hollywood elite. They can't stand him, therefore any misfortune that befalls Gibson will be celebrated, and any stumbling or appearance of hypocrisy will quickly upstage Lohan's break-up with her girlfriend.

So be advised. When you stand for God, a target has been painted on your back. Don't be discouraged, though. That target is a badge of honor. It means that your ministry is making an impact, and you matter.

1 Peter 4:12-13 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.

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