Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Catching Up

With the end of the year, I have been frantically running to renew my annual advertising contracts for KSTA radio, plus the usual holiday celebrations (both Christmas and New Year's), weekly outreach canvassing activities, dates with my wife and the preparation of sermons and Bible studies. Thus, I haven't had much blogging time lately.

It seems though, as things are calming down, so I have time to give you an update. One of our regular attendees was in Central Texas last weekend, and another family was sick, so we wound up with 8 people present for the second Sunday morning in a row. While that did shoot down my Morning Worship average for my monthly report, the truth is that I am not doing this work for the sake of filing reports.

Last week, we didn't have services at Market Place due to it being Christmas Eve. We are having services tonight, though.

Currently, we are working to bring more people into the Grace Pointe fold.

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