Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mission values report card

Last November, I identified the following core values for Mission: Brownwood.

The Bible - God's Word. It is through the Bible that we get to know Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is through studying the Bible that our faith is increased. (Romans 10:17). The Bible, being God's Word, thus becomes all sufficient as the basis for our beliefs and practices.

People - Jesus did not say, "Go ye therefore and build a multi-million dollar organization." He said, "Go ye therefore and teach..." God's focus is on people. Therefore, Grace Pointe Missionary Baptist Church is a people-focused church. Our goal is to introduce you to Christ, let you get to know Him, accept Him, trust Him and follow Him. Then, our role is to help you become all you can be in Christ.

Discipleship - Many religious organizations focus on the numbers. "How many can we get in our services this week?" At Grace Pointe, our focus is on the individuals. We desire to bring people along side of us and follow the Lord together. Those being discipled will then, in turn, disciple others. This involves a strong teaching and Bible study ministry. This also involves personal interaction. If you have ever wanted a friend you can count on and share all of your struggles with, we at Grace Pointe want to be that friend. We also want to help you know Jesus better.

Outreach - Because the Lord commissioned His churches to go, teach all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and teach them whatsoever things Christ commanded us... it is our prayer that Grace Pointe be a church focused on reaching the unreached people of Brownwood, Texas. It is also our prayer to be a strong supporter of missionaries, both around the world and at home.

Community - Grace Pointe seeks to have a strong community within the church, and hopes to be actively involved in the community outside the church, impacting as many lives as possible.

How are we doing?

Bible - Our Bible studies remain expository, well illustrated and consistent in the face of struggling attendance statistics. Grade: B+ (due to low attendance)

People - Despite my recent trends toward renting or purchasing buildings, I have not lost my focus on the people I have been ministering to. Grade: B+

Discipleship - Spiritual progress is slow but steady with those I am ministering to. Grade: C

Outreach - Evangelism is tough due to the large numbers of religiously lost people. A major VBS event next month should help us reach the unchurched. Grade: B+

Community - We're getting into the community little by little, through the VBS, joining Tae Bo classes and a health club, being hospitable neighbors and finding work. We are also enrolling our kids in various activities. Grade: C.

The low marks are due mainly to the early phase of this work. Few missionaries are going to evangelical giants, major community players with large numbers of people being discipled and discipling others in the first 1 1/2 to 2 months. I'm not satisfied with our progress here so far, but we are still ahead of schedule. My goal for having a core group assembled and organization is not until June of next year.

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