Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekly update

I have been able to keep up with my committment to talk to at least three people about God every day. Friday night, I felt a lot of unrest in my soul, so I went to Wal Mart. While there, I not only found my grandfather's favorite movies (which he has been needing to find on DVD- Patton & The Longest Day) but I noticed a man wandering around. I asked him if he needed help, and he said he was looking for a DVD adapter. I helped him find it, then shared my faith with him.

He told me he just got out of state jail for DUI convictions, and had received Christ while in jail (he was taking a correspondence course). I know his name and where he lives... I'll follow up if the Lord permits.

I was also able to minister to some people I have met in town... but none are coming to my Bible studies. I preached the Gospel from Acts 2:36-38 to my kids today, and they enjoyed it. Really!

I am also continuing to meet with prospective core-group/launch team/charter members. I hope to have a small group of three families assembled by July... if God so blesses. I feel like once we have three families (myself included), we can begin taking steps to organize the church.

I still need VBS volunteers. I have had two people say they might be interested... but no one has responded to my blog announcements, ABA News announcements, state-wide mass mail-out (btw, when you turn in your letter to the state association this year, make sure your mailing address is updated. Outdated mailing info is eating my lunch), and some have even turned down my direct invitations. Look, if you come out, I'll put you up in my home if I have to. We'll eat BBQ after VBS is over, you can stay over for Sunday morning or go home, it's up to you. I'll do whatever, just help me out here! So far my only volunteers are my wife, me, my grandparents, and that's about it.

VBS will take place 10-2 on every Saturday in August at the Brownwood Housing Authority community center, a nice sized, well-equipped and cold air conditioned facility.

Thank you for your prayers, support and interest in Mission: Brownwood. Aside from my anxiety over VBS, I feel like my work here is well-supported and prayed for, and I do thank you for that.

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