Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Slow blogging

I apologize for the slowdown in my blogging activities. While I have had time to read other blogs, I have not had much time to form new devotionals to share, or really put together anything worth reading. The series on Gideon will resume ASAP, though.

My goal for this blog is not to be a daily journal of my feelings, etc. It is intended to be a day-to-day reporting of how God is blessing the work in Brownwood and present that information from the viewpoint of a bivocational missionary (as long as I am bivocational). With the transition taking place, blogging will slow down over the next couple of weeks. Once we are settled in my blogging will resume to its normal pace.

Last weekend, I took the family away for a couple of days of peace and relaxation in Galveston. This week, we have been frantically packing our things in anticipation of the big move Friday and Saturday. We have a trip to see Jessica's family in Colorado Springs planned following our big move. Our evangelical work will begin June 2, with our first in-home service being June 8. My secular job begins July 15. I'll be training with the man I am replacing before going full time Aug. 1.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support.

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