Saturday, March 22, 2008

Split tilts in Soccer

My team, the Bumblebees handily beat their opponents 15-2 today in U6 soccer. Their opponents were a team made up mostly of 4-year olds (The Bumblebees have three 4-year olds, three 5-year olds and two 6-year olds. In U6 soccer, which plays 4-on-4, the two six year olds can make a big difference). That being said, the other team played really well.

Jessica's team, the Purple Sky (U8 girls) lost to the Nitro, an all boys team which is very talented. The final score was 20-1. I knew we were in trouble when our high-flying kickoff was headed by one of the boys, who quickly took control of the ball. Those boys, at the ages of 6 and 7, already know how to successfully corner kick (you kick the ball high in the air in front of the goal and one of your teammates "heads" it in). For those unfamiliar with soccer, heading is the practice of hitting the ball with your head to redirect a high-flying ball.

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