Tuesday, February 5, 2008


One of the joys of attending mission rallies and functions with the Southwest Association of Missionary Baptist Churches is the opportunity to meet and talk with veteran missionaries like Bro. B.R. Singh.

Bro Singh is a great example of Christian joy. I have never seen him in anything less than a jovial mood. Furthermore, his mission work in India is truly for the honor and glory of the Lord. Whenever Bro. Singh does something, you can be assured he has prayed it through.

He's a good example for younger missionaries to follow (though, I feel like my mission work is not worthy to be placed in the same league as his. For example, I do not face jail time for leading someone to Christ.)

Still, his is an example I would like to follow. Tonight, I had a bright idea for a way to kick-off Mission: Brownwood. (By the way, the name of the church won't be Mission: Brownwood, rather it will be Grace Pointe MBC).

I almost got online and emailed the two West Texas pastors who have offered their help to get me started. Then, I thought about Bro. Singh. Would he just jump on something as an impulse? Probably not.

My idea will require ample planning, the willing involvement of a third party to supplyh a location, or the ability to rent a facility. Then, we have to get people to attend. This idea will require prayer.

I'll probably start the beginnings of the planning of this idea tomorrow, but tonight, I need to pray about it.

The Bible records in John 11 how Jesus prayed before He raised Lazarus from the dead. He prayed in John 17. He prayed in Gethsemane. He always seemed to be going up into a mountain to pray. If Christ prayed that much, shouldn't I also? I think so.

So tonight I pray, tomorrow I act. Prayer requests? Post them as a comment to this post.

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