Monday, January 28, 2008

WOW! What a weekend!

Jessica and I finally got away from Jacksonville at 2 a.m. Saturday. We arrived at Ridgecrest MBC in Levelland, TX at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. (No, we didn't violate any speed ordinances, least, not while I was awake.)

The Southwest Association of Missionary Baptist Churches was holding their quarterly mission rally there, which began at 10 a.m. Being 30 minutes late, Jessica and I darted in dressed casually. (Our original intent was to change into church clothes once we arrived, but we were late and didn't want to miss any more than we already had.)

I went to the men's meeting, where Bro. B.R. Singh was presenting his work in India. Bro. Singh has a way of bringing his work to life before his audience, with or without video or powerpoint presentation. He fielded several questions concerning the work in India. After he finished his presentation, I was called upon to present the work in Brownwood. Several of the men suggested that I hold the first meeting of the mission in Brownwood at Underwood's Barbecue, a world famous Luby's cafeteria style restaurant featuring Mr. Underwood's unique BBQ recipes, such as BBQ beefsteak, spare ribs, and home cooking such as chicken fried steak and Mama Underwood's fried chicken. I told them Jessica and I were planning to start a support group for parents of young children which would utilize Underwood's as one of many meeting places. The announcement drew loud "amen's".

We dismissed for lunch where I was invited to preach at Ridgecrest the following evening (I was already scheduled to preach the morning service at Quaker Ave. Baptist Church in Lubbock.) The missionaries present gave their reports in the evening service before Bro. Singh preached to the group assembled.

I love the Southwest Association. It is rare that I am ever accepted into a group with open arms the way they have welcomed me.

I got to visit with my friend and former classmate Daniel Davis, who is beginning an MBSF at West Texas A&M in Canyon, Texas. He took me to my hotel room that Quaker Ave. church booked for me. After a quick nap, Bro. Monty Hilliard and his wife treated Jessica and I to some of the finest hamburgers in the Texas Panhandle.

We talked, shared our stories, and they encouraged us. (We also got to see Texas Tech University and the football stadium where the Red Raiders play football).

I presented the work at Quaker Ave. Sunday morning, then the Hilliards treated us to lunch. Then, we went to their house to watch Bonanza before heading back to Levelland to present the work at Ridgecrest MBC. Both churches, along with the Southwest association blessed us greatly during our visit. Even without the love offerings, this trip was worth it. The love offerings just gave us more reason to rejoice on our overnight drive back to Jacksonville (I had to work this morning).

Jessica wanted to drive most of the way home, so I slept a lot. Today, I got a call from my grandmother informing me that the treasurer for Denson Springs MBC (the church I used to pastor) voted to support me at a rate of $50 per month. That makes two regular monthly supporters of Mission:Brownwood, in addition to Rocky Springs (three supporters total.)

I'm really looking forward to going to Brownwood, getting the work started there, and fellowshipping more with the Southwest Association. God has blessed me more than I can imagine this time.


Big J said...

Leland...this is Jason Hebert at White Rock in Center. Give me a phone call this evening if you can. My # is in the book. I should be home this evening. I want to schedule you for an Sunday night service in February.

Leland Acker said...

Will do. Thanks for visiting and your interest in Mission: Brownwood.

Bro. Matt said...

Why would you want to visit a stadium with tt on it?